Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
23 weeks and Thanksgiving!

That night we got home around 5:30 p.m. and of course the first thing I had to do was pee. Although this bathroom run turned out to be anything but normal....I noticed some spotting. It was not only in the toilet, but when I wiped too ( I know TMI) but I started to get a little nervous. So I sat down for a few minutes and tried to rest to see if it would go away. Well I ended up going to the bathroom 2 more times within a half hour and I was still spotting, less but it was still there. This along with the cramping had me worried so I went ahead and called the doctor. They told me to head to the hospital right away to be checked out in case there was a problem with the placenta.
Luckily Grandma had come over to visit so she stayed with the boys, and daddy and I were off to make sure you were OK. Once at the hospital they started checking everything. They checked your heartbeat...that was great! They hooked me up to see if I was contracting...I wasn't. They did an exam to make sure I was not dialated and that there was no active bleeding that they could see....all was good there too! Then they did an ultrasound to make sure they couldn't see any bleeding on that and to make sure the placenta was not over my cervix....no problems there! Although you did give mommy and daddy a nice conformation shot that you were still a girl and that you are roughly 1.3 lbs WoohOO my big girl :) Last thing they did was send some urine off to the lab to make sure I didn't have a UTI...came back negative. So after 2 hours at the hospital they really have no explanation for the bleeding because everything looked great! I felt better, and was very grateful you were alright :)

On a more happy and exciting note I got some of your first clothes today in the mail!! Oh boy was I excited to finally be holding PINK clothes! I bought a lot of nice stuff from a lady on Cafemom for $40 including shipping, talk about a deal. I can't believe how tiny the clothes are, its hard to believe that at one point your brother's were that tiny. Here are some pictures of your first outfits!

I truly have so much to be thankful for this year. I am thankful for a wonderful fiance who would do anything for us and works so hard to provide for us and allow me to be a stay at home mommy!
I am thankful for 2 beautiful boys who just light up my life! I am so proud of them :)
I am thankful for our family and friends, who are always there for us!
I am thankful for you. Thankful that god thought you needed to be in our lives. Thankful that you are doing healthy and growing well!
I am so blessed :) We are counting down until you are here!
I love you,
Saturday, November 21, 2009
22 Weeks!

On that same note, I think you have mistaken my bladder for you punching bag! I have to pee like every 30 seconds all of a sudden. So if you could just avoid punching it out in public that would be great, thanks :)
Snap, Crackle, Pop....thats the noises my hips are making. Im starting to get really uncomfortable and sore now. This also happened with your brother Mason, my hips, pelvis, and all the way into my thighs hurt. Someday's it hurts to even walk, get in and out of the bed, shower, or car. I can even feel and hear my hip pop out of place every once in a while...OUCH! I did some research and Im pretty sure I have what is called Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction (SPD). Basically it just means that my pelvic girdle area may not be working the way it should because of hormones, misalignment of the pelvis, or other reasons. Im going to talk to the doctor about this at my next appointment and see what she thinks.
My goal for this week are to take some more pictures of my growing belly, the last one I took was around 20 weeks and it has definately grown since then! Not much else going on this week, so keep growing little one :)
Love you,
Sunday, November 15, 2009
21 weeks!!

I had my first Braxton Hicks contractions this week, thanks those were fun! Just another sign that I'm getting closer to having you here with us!

Not much else going on this week. I look forward to what you have up your sleeve for me next week ;)
Love you baby girl,
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Welcome All!
I have decided to try and write a "letter" to Taylor every week. This will allow me to remember all those pleasant, and not so pleasant parts of pregnancy. I would also like something to be able to give to Taylor when she is grown that she can look back on and see just what I was going through and feeling.
The one thing I want her to realize is that even though we were taking measures to prevent a pregnancy, that once we knew she was coming we were ecstatic! I want her to know how much she was wanted and how much of a blessing she will be to our family!!
Taylor your mommy, daddy, and little brothers love you very much