Sunday, March 14, 2010

Taylor's Birth Story

As soon as Dr. Day uttered those words, "I think today is the day", I kinda started to panic. I was so not prepared, I did not pack a hospital bag, did not clean up the house, I didn't even have the laundry done to pack the hospital bag. So to say I was unprepared is an understatement! But nonetheless, Taylor was coming and by Dr. Day's prediction, it wouldn't be very long! So My mom and I headed to labor and delivery and I called Tim at home!!

I was admitted around 3pm. Around 4pm they started the antibiotics that I had to have during labor because of my positive GBS test. They told me I had to be on the antibiotics for at least 4 hours before they would brake my water. They also started the pitocin around this time too! I was not happy that yet again, I would have to have pitocin....I was really hoping to go into labor on my own this time. Then we just waited, and waited, and waited some more. Around 6pm Tim arrived with the boys :) I was so happy to see them!! Then we did some more waiting.

By this point I was hooked up to all the machines and feeling contractions. They were not unbearable at this point but getting uncomfortable! Around 8pm they started the second bag of antibiotics, I had to have a bag every 4 hours until I delivered. I at this time finally asked for the epidural, I was in extreme pain and just really did not want to deal with it....I was hoping to have a natural birth but with the pitocin the contractions were just a little more than I could handle! So I decided to get the epidural right before they broke my water.

It was around this time that they started to have problems detecting my contractions. They would show up for a while and then all of a sudden just disappear.The were a little concerned about this, I was just hoping my labor did not stall! They tried to reposition the monitor and had no luck. They decided that they would brake my water and go ahead and put an internal monitor in for Taylor's heart rate and my contractions. It was around 9:30pm when my water was broke and the internal monitors were inserted. This worked and they were able to pick up the contractions!

I really thought that Taylor would have been here by this point but nope, I was still at 4cm and she was still really high. I was a little worried that if I didn't start to progress that I would end up with a c-section which I really did not want. This whole time they had been increasing my pitocin periodically to give me stronger more regular contractions. Then we just waited some more hoping things would really start to pick up since my water had been broken. A few hours later I was starting to feel the contractions again, not super painful but definitely getting uncomfortable. They decided to check me again to see if we had made any progress. They were able to stretch and force me to 6cm but Taylor was still high. The nurse said my cervix was very thin though and that there was nothing holding Taylor up so she should definitely drop all the way down.

Shortly after that I was in a lot of pain again and I could tell the epidural was already wearing off....they called for another one. Then it seemed right after I got that I was feeling pressure. Not contractions just a lot of pressure, and I wanted them to check me again. And when she did I was fully dilated and Taylor was right there, she was not even a full finger length in. Now all we had to do was wait for Dr. Day to get there. This was probably the hardest part of the whole labor and delivery!

I love when you have that uncontrollable urge to push and they tell you not to push until the doctor is is the most uncomfortable thing in the world!! With every contraction I could feel her head right there, a few times I actually thought she might just come out before the doctor made it. I keep my legs closed and as tight as I could!! FINALLY the doctor arrived, she had trouble parking.

Tim's Aunt Shari took the boys out to the waiting room and it was just Tim and my mom in the delivery room. By the time the doctor and nurses got all ready and told me to go ahead and push when I felt the need to, Taylor was right there. I held my breath and didn't even get a full push and her head was out!! I could not believe that it happened that fast. Then I finished pushing with that contraction and she just slipped out! One contraction and two pushes and my beautiful little girl was finally here!

I was ecstatic, over the moon :) She was happy, healthy, and beautiful. Taylor arrived at 1:06 a.m. on March 9, 2010. She was 7lbs 8oz...I could not believe she was bigger than her brothers, and was 19 3/4 inches long. I was able to breastfeed her right away and she did great. She was and is perfect in every way!

Week 37....Then end of one journey and the beginning of another!

Well I had hoped that this week would be less eventful than last week, but it turned out to be the most eventful week....Miss Taylor finally entered the world this week!

But lets back up a little. So Friday(3/5) I was suppose to return my 24 hour urine to the doctor and have some blood drawn, but I don't know what was wrong with me that morning but I was just not leaving the house. I wasn't "sick" just tired and didn't really have to energy to drag both the boys up there...oops. I figured I was going in on Monday anyway so if I had to just redo it, I could and it would be no big deal.

So Monday I had my mom go to the doctor with me because just in case they decided to admit me Tim would have the van and could get to the hospital. Here we were again at the doctor....blood pressure, weight, urine sample, ultrasound, NST, then doctor visit, REPEAT! These weekly visits had been going on for about 6 weeks now, but this would prove to be the last one.

The ultrasound went great, she said you were looking good and the fluid had not changed. You were as cute as ever...couldn't keep your hands out of your face! My blood pressure was high though, and I remembered to take my medicine this time :( The NST is where everything changed. You were having another non reactive day, and I was given chocolate and ice water yet again, but nothing was working. You were moving here and there but there was no accelerations or decelerations in your heart rate.

This is when Dr. Day decided today was the day, it was time to pull the plug and get you out. This was week 2 of you having a non reactive NST :( This was the day I had been waiting so long for. My body was ready for you to be here (I was so uncomfortable) but of course I was not prepared at home. This is nothing new for me though, I have never been prepared with the boys either. I though I was emotionally ready, but once I knew you would be here by that night, I wasn't. I was not ready to give up being pregnant, having you being apart of and with me all the time. All I could think about was wanting to go back just a few weeks so I could take that belly picture I forgot to take, feel you moving inside me a little longer, and maybe take just one more nap. But as we know there was no going back! And so it was BABY DAY!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Week 36...When it Rains it Pours!

This has probably been one of the hardest weeks so far. It makes me realize all the other little nonsense I have been complaining about was nothing compared to the week I have had. The week from HELL!

Well there was one good thing this week, my baby shower. It was a great way to start the week!! It was nice to have a night out without the kiddos :) My great friends Ann and Laura set up the baby shower and we went to 54th street bar and grill in Arnold, it was yummy! I have some of the greatest friends who just went above and beyond on gifts. I am truly grateful! It was so fun to open up all the girly stuff since I'm so used to blue clothes and trucks and cars.

So a special thanks to Ann, Laura, Aaron, Lisa, Sarah, and my mom for coming out tonight and of course for the gifts. And thanks to Krista for a wonderful gift even though she couldn't make it out tonight.

Here are some pictures from tonight and of all the "goodies"!

Then on Monday I had my weekly appointment. It was just not a good appointment all around. I had my ultrasound where she was just measuring the fluid, which we learned had dropped :( The normal range for fluid is between 6-25cm, I had been at 12cm for the past few weeks, but had dropped to 9cm. Not at the dangerous stage yet, but definitely lower and something to keep an eye on. She said if it would get down to a 5 or lower that would mean I would have to deliver. Then I had my NST, which was not that great either. Miss Taylor you were not very active at all, they did manage to get a few accelerations and decelerations by giving me some ice water! So you ended up passing, but barely!

By this point it felt like dejay vu..this is exactly what happened with Mason and why he was born when he was. Not to mention my blood pressure was high. 160/106 YIKES! But Dr. Day said that even with all this; the BP, fluid, and NST you were still doing alright nothing that would make her want to induce. She then decided to go ahead and check my dilation since I was at 1cm two weeks ago. And sure enough I am at a solid 3cm, woohoo, I am excited about that. The farther dilated I am hopefully the shorter the labor! I was at 3-4cm when I was induced with Mason and his labor and birth was quick! Upon this exam though she did notice that the cyst was filling up again. It had not gotten as big as it was but she went ahead and drained it again. The good news is all the test they ran on it came back negative! So its not infected and its just a cyst. She believes that maybe a pore or something got clogged and allowed a cyst to form, which is common. So we were free for another week.

That was Monday, the next day Tuesday I woke up to a nasty eye infection. Felt and looked just like pink eye, which I used to get ALL the time when I worked at the daycare. I was completely miserable, could hardly open my eye it hurt so bad. But since daddy was at work I had to try and just make it through the day. Around lunch time though I fell and cut my foot open, not bad but it just added to all the was going wrong that day. I had a complete nervous breakdown. I called daddy at work and begged him to come home, which he did because he didn't know what was wrong. I think I was just so overwhelmed with everything from the doctor app., to the eye infection, then the fall, plus the boys were not behaving. I just couldn't take anymore. Thank god for daddy, because when he got home I was able to take a nap :)

By the next day my eye was much better, I was feeling pretty good considering the week I had had so far. But then I started to worry because you had not been moving like normal, something just didn't feel right. So I called the doctor and they had me come in just to be on the safe side. And wouldn't you know it, as soon as I got there and they gave me a roll and some ice water you started moving. You were all over the place. Oh well it gave me a piece of mind!! My blood pressure was still high and the fluid was about where it was on she wanted me to do another 24 hour urine and bring it back on Friday and have blood drawn at that time.

She also at this time put me on "bed rest" HA I don't know how that will work with your two brother's at home. Plus daddy is not the greatest help with house cleaning and such, but we will see how it goes. The thought of bed rest sounds so good right now!

I'm hoping next week is not as eventful as this week. I need a vacation!