I had a doctor appointment on Monday morning. I had my blood drawn for my glucose test and they said that if I didn't hear from them the next day then no news is good news! So I think we passed WoOHoo!!! Then I also had an ultrasound done to make sure you were growing well because apparently being on blood pressure medicine can result in small babies. Well we know that that is definately not your case. In fact you seem to still be measuring a week big at around 3lbs 4oz, now I know that the ultrasounds can be off by a couple pounds but I don't think you are :) I even got to see you taking some "practice" breaths and your little tummy was going up and down, and then ofcourse you must have been drinking a little too fast because then you got the hiccups. All of this was very cool to see happen, it must mean we are close, right?! I even spotted a little hair, not too much but some peach fuzz! I just need enough to put some pretty bown in so work on that for me ok!

I go back to the doctor in 2 weeks for a regular chekup, and then 2 weeks from then I go again for a non stress test and an ultrasound to keep an eye on things. Then I will most likely be going every week for a NST and ultrasound until you are here.
Nothing else that new going on, just the same old stuff. Still tired, still having trouble sleeping, still eating everything in site, hips and pelvis still hurt, you know BLAH BLAH BLAH. The joys of pregnancy! But a plus is you as active as ever moving all the time. I LOVE to just lay on the couch and watch my belly do crazy things! One of these days I will catch ya on video....
Oh well until next time,
Love you, Mommy
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