Thursday, December 31, 2009

26 and 27 weeks ( we have been busy)

I forgot to post week 26 so I will just combine it with week 27! It has been a busy crazy last few weeks with the holiday's! Here is my belly shot at 27 weeks....

Nothing exciting has happened too much the past two weeks with the pregnancy, we are just trucking along and getting closer to seeing you! We are now only about 10-12 weeks away from the big day!

I have actually been feeling pretty good the past 2 weeks too! Still a little tired but I think a lot of that has to do with just not getting the right amount of sleep at night! Its pretty hard to sleep with a big ol belly in the way.

Not only have we been crazy busy with Christmas, we have been busy trying to get the house in order and ready for you. I know, we still have lots of time before your here but I like to get things done early if I can because I know towards the end Im just going to want to relax. So I have been keeping in touch with someone I knew from high school and she was wanting to get rid of some of her little girls stuff, so ofcourse I jumped all over the opportunity! She sold us her stroller and carseat combo, and a whole tub of clothes for $100..not bad at all!! So I picked that stuff up right before Christmas. Then daddy's parents came down for Christmas and brought us the highchair that we used down in Texas, which is pratically new, and the crib they had, which is also pratically new. Then after Christmas daddy and I went and bought your bedding set so I could get your crib all ready for you, it is so pretty!! So needless to say I feel set and so ready for you to be here! You have a closet full of clothes, your room/bed is all ready, and I have a all we need is you!!

I guess thats all for now. I will update next week after we see the doctor! I will have an ultrasound done, my glucose test, and my blood drawn to test for wish me luck!

Love you,

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

25 weeks down

Well here's to another week closer to you! There has not been anything exciting going on this week...well except a doctor's appointment, but how exciting can that really be! Monday was my 25 weeks appointment and all looked well. My blood pressure was good I believe it was 133/77? Something like that. So far the medicine seems to be doing its job, I just hope it lasts all the way to the end without having to increase the dosage. Then we listened to your heartbeat, which was beating beautifully at 155!!

I did talk to her about being extremely tired and she said it could just be because I also have 2 kids at home which makes be pregnant even harder, but to keep an eye on it. I have to go back in 3 weeks on Jan. 7th to have an ultrasound done to see how well you are doing. We want to make sure you are growing well, especially with the blood pressure and such.

Then I will also have to do my glucose test and have blood drawn to check for anemia...YUCK!!! But anemia could be the reason why im extremely tired so I do want to get that checked. So now im counting down until Jan. when I will get to see you!

We have officially entered the 6th month! Which means you are now the size of...drum roll EGGPLANT!

and boy do I feel like im carrying around an eggplant! Holy belly!! Look how big im getting!

I finally got a picture of your brother Timothy kissing my belly! He really enjoys talking to you and giving you kisses, Mason not so much!!

Well I guess I will stop rambling on for this week! See ya soon baby girl!


Saturday, December 5, 2009

24 weeks and counting!

Another week down only 14-16 weeks left(hopefully)! You are definitely becoming more active, I'm pretty sure daddy can feel you from the outside now :) I think you are breech, and I'm pretty sure all the low movement is your little toes! After taking my belly pictures this week and comparing them to last weeks, I can really tell how high you are sitting. With the boys they always sat so low like they would fall out any sec, but not you!

Sleeping is becoming more difficult as the days go on. I just can't seem to get comfortable, and spend most of the night flipping from side to side! I really need one of those body pillows again, I had one with the boys but got rid of it. Plus you seem to be the most active at night when I'm trying to sleep, which I am sure you are just trying to prepare me for all the long nights I have ahead of me when you arrive!

I have been trying to prepare the boys for your arrival, I know Mason doesn't understand anything but I'm pretty sure Timothy understands somewhat. I tell him everyday that he is going to have a little sister soon, and that his baby sister Taylor is in mommy's belly! Sometimes I can get him to talk to you and give you kisses, which I know you love :) Lately though he always talks about babies when he See's them on TV or when we are out, so I asked him if he wanted me to bring him a baby home from the hospital. He always say's to me, in a very serious voice " No, No bring baby home, I don't want you to". HAHA And then if you even talk to him about having a sister he Say's " No, no sister"! He is too funny! I know that once you are hear though both of your brothers are going to want to love on you all the time! You are going to have two of the best and most protective brother's and I can't wait!

We are working on getting the rooms set up and ready for you too. We decided to get the boys bunk beds (I know what was I thinking) in order to make some more room. The boys are going to share one room and then you are going to be in your own room. SO daddy and pa-pa moved the boys dressers into your room with the computer and then I moved all the toys out of your room and into their room. That was a workout all by itself HAHA! So now all we have to do it get their bunk bed set up and then set up your crib. Which thankfully grandma and grandpa are bringing the crib from Texas when they come up for Christmas so we don't have to buy a new one. I am so excited we decided to put the boys together and you in your own room instead of with them, this way I can somewhat decorate your room girly :) Granted you will have the boys dressers and daddy's computer in your room its still your room!

I know that once Christmas passes time is going to fly by and it will be Timothy's birthday and then about a month later you will be here! Not long now baby girl!

I'm waiting patiently, love you!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

23 weeks and Thanksgiving!

Well this has been a pretty exciting week! Thursday was Thanksgiving and we spent it with mommy's family! We went to your great Aunt Brenda's house for a very yummy lunch. I'm pretty sure I ate enough turkey and mashed potatoes to hold me over until next year ;) You were quite active that day too so I'm assuming you were enjoying the food just as much as mommy! I was a little crampy that day and my lower back was sore but other than that we had a great Turkey Day!

That night we got home around 5:30 p.m. and of course the first thing I had to do was pee. Although this bathroom run turned out to be anything but normal....I noticed some spotting. It was not only in the toilet, but when I wiped too ( I know TMI) but I started to get a little nervous. So I sat down for a few minutes and tried to rest to see if it would go away. Well I ended up going to the bathroom 2 more times within a half hour and I was still spotting, less but it was still there. This along with the cramping had me worried so I went ahead and called the doctor. They told me to head to the hospital right away to be checked out in case there was a problem with the placenta.

Luckily Grandma had come over to visit so she stayed with the boys, and daddy and I were off to make sure you were OK. Once at the hospital they started checking everything. They checked your heartbeat...that was great! They hooked me up to see if I was contracting...I wasn't. They did an exam to make sure I was not dialated and that there was no active bleeding that they could see....all was good there too! Then they did an ultrasound to make sure they couldn't see any bleeding on that and to make sure the placenta was not over my problems there! Although you did give mommy and daddy a nice conformation shot that you were still a girl and that you are roughly 1.3 lbs WoohOO my big girl :) Last thing they did was send some urine off to the lab to make sure I didn't have a UTI...came back negative. So after 2 hours at the hospital they really have no explanation for the bleeding because everything looked great! I felt better, and was very grateful you were alright :)

On a more happy and exciting note I got some of your first clothes today in the mail!! Oh boy was I excited to finally be holding PINK clothes! I bought a lot of nice stuff from a lady on Cafemom for $40 including shipping, talk about a deal. I can't believe how tiny the clothes are, its hard to believe that at one point your brother's were that tiny. Here are some pictures of your first outfits!

I truly have so much to be thankful for this year. I am thankful for a wonderful fiance who would do anything for us and works so hard to provide for us and allow me to be a stay at home mommy!
I am thankful for 2 beautiful boys who just light up my life! I am so proud of them :)
I am thankful for our family and friends, who are always there for us!
I am thankful for you. Thankful that god thought you needed to be in our lives. Thankful that you are doing healthy and growing well!

I am so blessed :) We are counting down until you are here!

I love you,

Saturday, November 21, 2009

22 Weeks!

Another week down only 18 weeks to go, although if you decide to come when your brother's did then we only have 16 weeks left :)

You are all over the place like a little gymnast! You know, "they" say you sleep about 12-14 hours a day...but I'm not buying it! Sometimes your moving constantly, but I love it! Your favorite times of the day to practice your gymnastic skills are usually first thing in the morning and around 10 at night. Daddy is still waiting until he can feel you move, and im sure with your strength it won't be long!

On that same note, I think you have mistaken my bladder for you punching bag! I have to pee like every 30 seconds all of a sudden. So if you could just avoid punching it out in public that would be great, thanks :)

Snap, Crackle, Pop....thats the noises my hips are making. Im starting to get really uncomfortable and sore now. This also happened with your brother Mason, my hips, pelvis, and all the way into my thighs hurt. Someday's it hurts to even walk, get in and out of the bed, shower, or car. I can even feel and hear my hip pop out of place every once in a while...OUCH! I did some research and Im pretty sure I have what is called Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction (SPD). Basically it just means that my pelvic girdle area may not be working the way it should because of hormones, misalignment of the pelvis, or other reasons. Im going to talk to the doctor about this at my next appointment and see what she thinks.
My goal for this week are to take some more pictures of my growing belly, the last one I took was around 20 weeks and it has definately grown since then! Not much else going on this week, so keep growing little one :)

Love you,


Sunday, November 15, 2009

21 weeks!!

Well I'm a little late because technically I'm 21 weeks and 4 days, but better late than never right?!

Miss Taylor I can tell you are growing so fast and I just cannot believe that I'm over halfway done. I have officially entered the 5th month and your the size of a papaya! Keep growing baby girl :)

I went to the doctor a little over a week ago and had a pretty good check up! I'm still on the Labetalol 200 mg 2x a day, but it must be working. My blood pressure went from 165/102 (2 weeks ago) to about 135/82 last week :)

I had my first Braxton Hicks contractions this week, thanks those were fun! Just another sign that I'm getting closer to having you here with us!

Not much else going on this week. I look forward to what you have up your sleeve for me next week ;)

Love you baby girl,


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Welcome All!

I have decided to go ahead and create a blog to document this pregnancy! I did not do anything like this with my 2 boys and I kinda regret it. I think this is also partially because this is my first little girl and probably my last child all at the same time, so I feel like I need to capture everthing!

I have decided to try and write a "letter" to Taylor every week. This will allow me to remember all those pleasant, and not so pleasant parts of pregnancy. I would also like something to be able to give to Taylor when she is grown that she can look back on and see just what I was going through and feeling.

The one thing I want her to realize is that even though we were taking measures to prevent a pregnancy, that once we knew she was coming we were ecstatic! I want her to know how much she was wanted and how much of a blessing she will be to our family!!

Taylor your mommy, daddy, and little brothers love you very much