Well here's to another week closer to you! There has not been anything exciting going on this week...well except a doctor's appointment, but how exciting can that really be! Monday was my 25 weeks appointment and all looked well. My blood pressure was good I believe it was 133/77? Something like that. So far the medicine seems to be doing its job, I just hope it lasts all the way to the end without having to increase the dosage. Then we listened to your heartbeat, which was beating beautifully at 155!!

I did talk to her about being extremely tired and she said it could just be because I also have 2 kids at home which makes be pregnant even harder, but to keep an eye on it. I have to go back in 3 weeks on Jan. 7th to have an ultrasound done to see how well you are doing. We want to make sure you are growing well, especially with the blood pressure and such.
Then I will also have to do my glucose test and have blood drawn to check for anemia...YUCK!!! But anemia could be the reason why im extremely tired so I do want to get that checked. So now im counting down until Jan. when I will get to see you!

We have officially entered the 6th month! Which means you are now the size of...drum roll please...an EGGPLANT!

and boy do I feel like im carrying around an eggplant! Holy belly!! Look how big im getting!

I finally got a picture of your brother Timothy kissing my belly! He really enjoys talking to you and giving you kisses, Mason not so much!!

Well I guess I will stop rambling on for this week! See ya soon baby girl!
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