Another week down only 14-16 weeks left(hopefully)! You are definitely becoming more active, I'm pretty sure daddy can feel you from the outside now :) I think you are breech, and I'm pretty sure all the low movement is your little toes! After taking my belly pictures this week and comparing them to last weeks, I can really tell how high you are sitting. With the boys they always sat so low like they would fall out any sec, but not you!

Sleeping is becoming more difficult as the days go on. I just can't seem to get comfortable, and spend most of the night flipping from side to side! I really need one of those body pillows again, I had one with the boys but got rid of it. Plus you seem to be the most active at night when I'm trying to sleep, which I am sure you are just trying to prepare me for all the long nights I have ahead of me when you arrive!

I have been trying to prepare the boys for your arrival, I know Mason doesn't understand anything but I'm pretty sure Timothy understands somewhat. I tell him everyday that he is going to have a little sister soon, and that his baby sister Taylor is in mommy's belly! Sometimes I can get him to talk to you and give you kisses, which I know you love :) Lately though he always talks about babies when he See's them on TV or when we are out, so I asked him if he wanted me to bring him a baby home from the hospital. He always say's to me, in a very serious voice " No, No bring baby home, I don't want you to". HAHA And then if you even talk to him about having a sister he Say's " No, no sister"! He is too funny! I know that once you are hear though both of your brothers are going to want to love on you all the time! You are going to have two of the best and most protective brother's and I can't wait!
We are working on getting the rooms set up and ready for you too. We decided to get the boys bunk beds (I know what was I thinking) in order to make some more room. The boys are going to share one room and then you are going to be in your own room. SO daddy and pa-pa moved the boys dressers into your room with the computer and then I moved all the toys out of your room and into their room. That was a workout all by itself HAHA! So now all we have to do it get their bunk bed set up and then set up your crib. Which thankfully grandma and grandpa are bringing the crib from Texas when they come up for Christmas so we don't have to buy a new one. I am so excited we decided to put the boys together and you in your own room instead of with them, this way I can somewhat decorate your room girly :) Granted you will have the boys dressers and daddy's computer in your room its still your room!
I know that once Christmas passes time is going to fly by and it will be Timothy's birthday and then about a month later you will be here! Not long now baby girl!
I'm waiting patiently, love you!
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