Nothing exciting has happened too much the past two weeks with the pregnancy, we are just trucking along and getting closer to seeing you! We are now only about 10-12 weeks away from the big day!
I have actually been feeling pretty good the past 2 weeks too! Still a little tired but I think a lot of that has to do with just not getting the right amount of sleep at night! Its pretty hard to sleep with a big ol belly in the way.
Not only have we been crazy busy with Christmas, we have been busy trying to get the house in order and ready for you. I know, we still have lots of time before your here but I like to get things done early if I can because I know towards the end Im just going to want to relax. So I have been keeping in touch with someone I knew from high school and she was wanting to get rid of some of her little girls stuff, so ofcourse I jumped all over the opportunity! She sold us her stroller and carseat combo, and a whole tub of clothes for $100..not bad at all!! So I picked that stuff up right before Christmas. Then daddy's parents came down for Christmas and brought us the highchair that we used down in Texas, which is pratically new, and the crib they had, which is also pratically new. Then after Christmas daddy and I went and bought your bedding set so I could get your crib all ready for you, it is so pretty!! So needless to say I feel set and so ready for you to be here! You have a closet full of clothes, your room/bed is all ready, and I have a carseat...now all we need is you!!

I guess thats all for now. I will update next week after we see the doctor! I will have an ultrasound done, my glucose test, and my blood drawn to test for anemia...so wish me luck!
Love you,