Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week 37....Then end of one journey and the beginning of another!

Well I had hoped that this week would be less eventful than last week, but it turned out to be the most eventful week....Miss Taylor finally entered the world this week!

But lets back up a little. So Friday(3/5) I was suppose to return my 24 hour urine to the doctor and have some blood drawn, but I don't know what was wrong with me that morning but I was just not leaving the house. I wasn't "sick" just tired and didn't really have to energy to drag both the boys up there...oops. I figured I was going in on Monday anyway so if I had to just redo it, I could and it would be no big deal.

So Monday I had my mom go to the doctor with me because just in case they decided to admit me Tim would have the van and could get to the hospital. Here we were again at the doctor....blood pressure, weight, urine sample, ultrasound, NST, then doctor visit, REPEAT! These weekly visits had been going on for about 6 weeks now, but this would prove to be the last one.

The ultrasound went great, she said you were looking good and the fluid had not changed. You were as cute as ever...couldn't keep your hands out of your face! My blood pressure was high though, and I remembered to take my medicine this time :( The NST is where everything changed. You were having another non reactive day, and I was given chocolate and ice water yet again, but nothing was working. You were moving here and there but there was no accelerations or decelerations in your heart rate.

This is when Dr. Day decided today was the day, it was time to pull the plug and get you out. This was week 2 of you having a non reactive NST :( This was the day I had been waiting so long for. My body was ready for you to be here (I was so uncomfortable) but of course I was not prepared at home. This is nothing new for me though, I have never been prepared with the boys either. I though I was emotionally ready, but once I knew you would be here by that night, I wasn't. I was not ready to give up being pregnant, having you being apart of and with me all the time. All I could think about was wanting to go back just a few weeks so I could take that belly picture I forgot to take, feel you moving inside me a little longer, and maybe take just one more nap. But as we know there was no going back! And so it was BABY DAY!!!

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