Well there was one good thing this week, my baby shower. It was a great way to start the week!! It was nice to have a night out without the kiddos :) My great friends Ann and Laura set up the baby shower and we went to 54th street bar and grill in Arnold, it was yummy! I have some of the greatest friends who just went above and beyond on gifts. I am truly grateful! It was so fun to open up all the girly stuff since I'm so used to blue clothes and trucks and cars.
So a special thanks to Ann, Laura, Aaron, Lisa, Sarah, and my mom for coming out tonight and of course for the gifts. And thanks to Krista for a wonderful gift even though she couldn't make it out tonight.
Here are some pictures from tonight and of all the "goodies"!
Then on Monday I had my weekly appointment. It was just not a good appointment all around. I had my ultrasound where she was just measuring the fluid, which we learned had dropped :( The normal range for fluid is between 6-25cm, I had been at 12cm for the past few weeks, but had dropped to 9cm. Not at the dangerous stage yet, but definitely lower and something to keep an eye on. She said if it would get down to a 5 or lower that would mean I would have to deliver. Then I had my NST, which was not that great either. Miss Taylor you were not very active at all, they did manage to get a few accelerations and decelerations by giving me some ice water! So you ended up passing, but barely!
By this point it felt like dejay vu..this is exactly what happened with Mason and why he was born when he was. Not to mention my blood pressure was high. 160/106 YIKES! But Dr. Day said that even with all this; the BP, fluid, and NST you were still doing alright nothing that would make her want to induce. She then decided to go ahead and check my dilation since I was at 1cm two weeks ago. And sure enough I am at a solid 3cm, woohoo, I am excited about that. The farther dilated I am hopefully the shorter the labor! I was at 3-4cm when I was induced with Mason and his labor and birth was quick! Upon this exam though she did notice that the cyst was filling up again. It had not gotten as big as it was but she went ahead and drained it again. The good news is all the test they ran on it came back negative! So its not infected and its just a cyst. She believes that maybe a pore or something got clogged and allowed a cyst to form, which is common. So we were free for another week.
That was Monday, the next day Tuesday I woke up to a nasty eye infection. Felt and looked just like pink eye, which I used to get ALL the time when I worked at the daycare. I was completely miserable, could hardly open my eye it hurt so bad. But since daddy was at work I had to try and just make it through the day. Around lunch time though I fell and cut my foot open, not bad but it just added to all the was going wrong that day. I had a complete nervous breakdown. I called daddy at work and begged him to come home, which he did because he didn't know what was wrong. I think I was just so overwhelmed with everything from the doctor app., to the eye infection, then the fall, plus the boys were not behaving. I just couldn't take anymore. Thank god for daddy, because when he got home I was able to take a nap :)
By the next day my eye was much better, I was feeling pretty good considering the week I had had so far. But then I started to worry because you had not been moving like normal, something just didn't feel right. So I called the doctor and they had me come in just to be on the safe side. And wouldn't you know it, as soon as I got there and they gave me a roll and some ice water you started moving. You were all over the place. Oh well it gave me a piece of mind!! My blood pressure was still high and the fluid was about where it was on Monday....so she wanted me to do another 24 hour urine and bring it back on Friday and have blood drawn at that time.
She also at this time put me on "bed rest" HA I don't know how that will work with your two brother's at home. Plus daddy is not the greatest help with house cleaning and such, but we will see how it goes. The thought of bed rest sounds so good right now!
I'm hoping next week is not as eventful as this week. I need a vacation!

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