This weeks doctor appointment went fairly well! Grandma watched your brother's so that daddy could actually be there, he has not been to an appointment since we found out you were our little girl. Really I wanted him to come just to keep me company during the NST!
This time during the ultrasound they did all the measurements and not just a fluid checked. She said you are around 6 1/2 lbs and everything looked great! We were even able to get some really awesome 3D picture's this time. Daddy said you were showing off because he was there ;)

The NST went smoothly and you were as happy as ever! It was nice to have someone to talk to for that half hour instead of just staring at the wall!
Then we seen the doctor. She said that you and I are doing great and everything seems to be chugging along down the right path. I asked her about the cyst because it has been bothering me and causing some discomfort, so she asked if I would want her to go ahead and just try to drain it. Of course I did. So that's what happened, she used a needle to drain it and sent off all kinds of tests on it, just to cover all bases. She even at one point said it was a little bizarre, which makes daddy and mommy a little nervous. So were just hoping that all the tests come back fine. She opted out of checking me to see if I dilated anymore for risk of introducing an infection to you. She did say that there is a chance that the cyst could fill back and then we would have to drain it again. I am praying it doesn't because it was extremely painful to have it drained.
Today we had a little party (get together) for Timothy for his birthday. One of mommy's good friends Kelly bought you the cutest little outfit I just have to share! Another reason why I can't wait for you to be here, so I can put all these adorable outfits on you!

I actually have a busy week coming up. We have a baby shower and our weekly doctor's appointment! So until then we will keep chugging forward!
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