I did have another doctor's appointment on Monday that went pretty routinely. I had the ultrasound first and all she was checking was the fluid level. She said they will not check your growth every week, but every 3 weeks. If they check every week it will look like you are not growing since, that slows down towards the end. Fluid looked great, you have plenty :) She quickly peeked at your organs and those looked great as well. So we got an A+ this week! She snapped me a few pictures to take home. I got two of your sweet little face, and one of your little foot and toes. Which by the way is pushed right up against my ribs, I can totally tell you are running out of room!

Speaking of feet in the ribs...I think you have moved slightly because I have not had any rib pain in a little over a week :) So if your foot was in my ribs, thanks for moving them!
OK back to the doctor appointment. I then had that pesky NST. You were actually not as active as last time, but I figured it was because this appointment was in the afternoon and last week it was early in the morning. You tend to be more active in the morning. But nonetheless you passed :) I have to return yet again next week for the same thing, so just keep it up!
The other day I did experience some severe pressure and pelvic pain which I haven't had too much of a problem with. I was actually having trouble walking, but I forced myself out of the house and actually felt better once I was up and moving around. Another reason why I'm pretty sure you are starting to move down or "drop" as they say!
I also finally got together with my friend Laura to discuss the music assisted childbirth. I actually had a great time, and she gave me some really great information that I think will really help me to achieve my natural birth. So now I just need to get my music together on the IPOD so we will be all ready to go. I am getting excited about this birth which is weird to me, I mean I am still a little nervous, but I feel so much more prepared for what my body will go through.
Dr. Day has already mentioned getting me to 39 weeks and then inducing, which I really do not want, but I have a feeling it will be inevitable with the blood pressure. I'm hoping next week I can discuss my plan for a natural childbirth and hopefully we are able to try other ways to induce labor besides the pitocin if it does come down to needing to induce! I think my only fear right now is that if I do need pitocin then the contractions will be so unbearable that I will give in the the epidural. It doesn't help that my labor with the boys were both induced with pitocin and the contractions were horrible.
For being so cramped in there I still feel you moving around so much. Mostly I feel it really low where your head and hands are. This feeling is one of the greatest things about pregnancy! The one thing I will truly miss when you are born. There is just something so amazing about feeling life move inside you, it brings a smile to my face :)
I will close for now. I can hardly wait to meet you Taylor! Keep growing!
Are you having to have weekly nst's this early because you had the iud when you get pregnant with her?
ReplyDeleteNo I have them weekly because of the blood pressure. I had them weekly along with the ultrasound too with Mason and thats how they decided to induce. My fluid dropped significantly and then during the NST he did not move for hours...