SO on Monday I had my appointment, the ultrasound and NST went well. I still had plenty of fluid and you looked great. She said we will measure to see how big you are next week...I'm really excited to see how much you have grown! We were even lucky enough to get a few 3D pictures of your face, which we haven't been able to get before because of how squished you are and your position. My blood pressure was 134/92 which is a little high, but not too bad.

I then met with the doctor and talked with her about the pressure and such and she decided to do a pelvic exam to see what was going on. And boy am I glad I had that done because I was not expecting to hear what she was about to say. While doing the exam she did say I was indeed 1 cm which isn't uncommon in a third pregnancy...with Mason I was a 3 for about a month before I was induced. But that was not the shocking news....she also found a cyst in my vagina. She said it is pretty large, like the size of a grape. Now I know cysts are pretty common and usually are nothing to worry about, but I couldn't help worrying. I had never had any of these kinds of problems. She did look it over and tried to determine what it was attached to and such (sorry if TMI) and it was really sore to the touch. She said she could just put a needle in it and drain it and then I would be good to go, but because of all the extra blood flow down there when your pregnant there were a lot of blood vessels in it. She was afraid to pop it because of the bleeding. She she had me look at it with a mirror and touch it so I knew how big it was ( I know..again TMI) so that I would be able to tell if it grew. So now I have to monitor it and make sure that between now and my next doctor's appointment it doesn't grow otherwise I have to go in and have it drained. if I didn't have enough to stress over.
The doctor did say that this could be part of the pressure I am feeling since it was large, it may cause some of my discomfort. Ever since then I have done nothing but worry about this darn cyst, but good news I actually think it's getting smaller. I may have popped it a little on my own by just walking. Daddy is a little grossed out by all of this LOL!
I am still having Braxton Hicks contractions, and they actually started to get pretty uncomfortable on Tuesday. I was staring to get a little worried that maybe the pelvic exam jump started labor or something. Just really crampy and uncomfortable. The pain was going all the way to my lower back. I made it to bed and decided to see if these "contractions" would keep me up, if they did I would go in and be checked again. But I woke up the next morning and was actually feeling better. So hopefully they were just practice.
Lets take it easy baby girl...we only have around 3 weeks until full term and 5 weeks at the most until you are probably here.
Here is some humor at my expense to lighten things up. I am at the point now where I fit into nothing...not even my maternity clothes fit. This is odd to me since at the doctor I have not really been gaining any weight, hmm figure that one out. It must all be baby ;) Well the other day I was in a hurry to get ready and grabbed a pair of jeans out of the dryer, ran to the bedroom and began to put them my surprise I could barely get them up much less buttoned and zipped up. These were the one pair of jeans that I thought actually fit. Well turns out they were not mine at all but Tim's...yes you read that right I could not even get daddy's jeans on. Not that I'm calling him fat or anything, but he is bigger than me..or so I thought! Oh well it actually made me chuckle a little!

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